In the period 2009-2018, 40 000 trees have been planted in the Dankassari rural community (thanks to the decentralised community Cesson Dankassari) in public areas (markets, schools, health centers), or by citizens in their land grant or their fields.

The main tree species are senegal acacia (gum tree), moringa, neem and baobab.
– The gum tree is used as border for fields and grazing areas, thus limiting conflicts between producers in the management of property. It produces gum arabic.
– Moringa is a fast growing sapling, even in arid land, its leaves are extremely rich in essential nutriments.
Marketing arabic gum and moringa leaves generates a highly valued income.

Thanks to the support of CG35, the school garden of Dogontapki will benefit from a moringa nursery: this fast-growing shrub, even in arid areas, has leaves that are rich in necessary nutriments.

Another moringa nursery will be linked to the school garden created in a Matankari village, thanks to the support of the Total Foundation.

The action is maintained in the rural commune of Dankassari.

In 2019 , 10 000 saplings were produced by 2 nurseries.
In Dankassari village, 6000 saplings :
– acacia senegal : 3000
– neem 1000
– moringa : 1000
– baobab 1000
In the village of Marake-Rogo : 4000 saplings
– acacia senegal : 3000
– moringa : 1000

. In 2020, 10,000 plants were grown in the same site. All the acacia plants from Marake Rogo were planted along the wire fence of the garden site. The remaining plants (moringa, acacias, grown in Dankassari, baobab and nem were handed over to willing villagers.

An evaluation of tree planting since 2009 was published in the Magazine number 13 and an exhibition Trees for a better life was created.

In 2021, the Maraké Rogo and Dankassari locations yielded up to 18000 plants in two locations, Marake Rogo and Dankassari thanks to funding from AESCD, and at Marake Bagagi in Mantankari, thanks to joint funding organized by AECIN.

In 2021, a third nursery, launched locally, will be created in Dankassari, at Kaoura Lahama .