Tarbiyya Tatali has a very unusual type of organisation:

Associations in Niger and in France.

Tarbiyya Tatali is a group consisting of two association in Niger and tx associations in France.

  • In Niger the RAEDD (Network of Education Initiatives for Sustainable Development) and CulturePlus
  • In France,AECIN (Association for Cultural Exchanges between Ille et Vilaine and Niger), AESCD (Association for Exchanges in Solidarity between Cesson and Dankassari).

Each association independently defines its own agenda, funding, its initiatives.

Common Principles for Action

  • Friendship between French and Nigerien people.
  • Mutual trust and respect.
  • Exchanges rooted in respective cultures.
  • Sharing between equals.


Network of Education Initiatives for Sustainable Development (RAEDD)

Association for Cultural Exchanges Ille-et-Vilaine Niger (AECIN)

Association for Exchanges in Solidarity between Cesson and Dankassari (AESCD)

Ex Partner