The internet network was installed early in 2008 at Dogondoutchi.

Tarbiyya Tatali has planned the creation of the first internetcafe in town to give opportunity to young people to get connected and to learn, exchange and have fun.

Creating a cyber café

  • RAEDD selected and equipped a convenient location in the town center of Dogondoutchi.
  • AECIN lent the sum needed to buy second-hand up-to-date computers which were delivered in 2009.
  • Google employees in New York contributed funds enabling RAEDD to pay back the loan and complete the cafe equipment with new furniture, wiring etc...

Since December 20009, a young man has given training sessions (Windows, Word, Excel, Powerpoint...) .

The internet connection is available since February 2010.

The offer of computer training attracts a lot of people : 43 persons were registered by March 2010.
