In 2021-2023
Sixty-eight Maradi Red Goats will be provided within the ‘Sustainable Development coordinated actions in the Dankassari villages in 2021-2023’. Priority will be granted to 63 matrons of the Dankassari community, as well as to a few needy women identified by the locality and RAEDD. Each woman will be granted a male and three female goats, and will return the same number of animals after 18 months. One kit is worth 140 000 CFA. The projects’ budget includes a veterinary follow up.
This action continued as part of the Coordinated Actions for Sustainable Development in Dankassari Villages 2023-2024 project, and sixty women were again provided with a kit consisting of one male and two female animals in 2024.
The practical arrangements for restitution are difficult to implement because the women are spread across the many villages and hamlets of the rural commune and the restitution can only take place locally, as gathering all these women at the commune’s main town is unrealistic.